The hallux valgus, often referred to as a “bunion” in everyday language. is one of the most widespread foot deformities. It occurs when the big toe joint shifts toward the other toes, resulting in a noticeable bulge on the inside of the foot.
What is a hallux valgus? Hallux valgus is characterized by a lateral deviation of the big toe, creating a painful bump or bulge at the base of the toe. The affected area often becomes red, inflamed and may swell. These symptoms can cause significant discomfort in everyday life, especially when wearing shoes.
Causes of a hallux valgus: There are several reasons why a hallux valgus can develop:
Genetic predisposition: If family members suffer from hallux valgus, the risk of also developing it increases.
Weak connective tissue: Weak connective tissue can cause the structures of the foot to be less stable and deform more easily.
Inconvenient footwear: Wearing tight, pointed shoes or shoes with high heels can increase pressure on the big toe joint and promote misalignment.
If you or someone you know notices symptoms of hallux valgus, it is advisable to see an orthopedic specialist. Early detection can help slow the progression of the deformity.